Why Every Mom Needs Red Light Therapy

Disclaimer :: I am in no way a medical professional; this is solely my experience with red light therapy. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns regarding your own health.

When I first started reading about red light therapy, I thought it all sounded too good to be true. It must be snake oil or some treatment that will cause me to have an eye twitch and orange skin. Then, after having a massive flare up from an autoimmune condition, I decided to give it a try.

I can honestly say it has been life changing for me. Within a week, my extremely inflamed body had returned to normal, my skin had never looked better, my mood had improved, and my mom pooch even looked smaller! I have been going regularly ever since, and it is now part of my weekly self care routine.

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What Is Red Light Therapy?

Believe it or not, red light therapy is not just another cosmetic gimmick. Although more research needs to be done, it is a scientifically backed treatment method that uses red light to deeply penetrate into your skin. It’s like a wake up call for your cells. It zaps them with wavelengths of red light, signaling them to repair and energize themselves.

This non-invasive therapy is like a personal trainer that pushes the mitochondria in your cells to take action. With all that extra energy, your cells go into overdrive, repairing and generating tissue like it’s nobody’s business.

Also, unlike the scary tanning beds from the ’80s, there are no UV rays, and this non-invasive process will not burn your skin or cause any pain.

Now that we know that red light therapy gets cells working like superstars, what are the benefits of having cellular overachievers?

Woman wears red light therapy mask at the dermatologist.

Adios to Acne

For those of us who struggle with acne, research has shown that red light therapy can be effective at treating both active blemishes and scars from previous breakouts. It can also help lessen the appearance of stretch marks.

Skin Plumper

Studies demonstrate that red light therapy has a profound impact on skin health by boosting collagen production to enhance elasticity and diminish the visibility of fine lines. Also, if you were a sun worshiper like me in my 20s, it can even help reduce sun damage.

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Fertility Helper

According to an article published by Dr. Taylor J. Graber, red light therapy (also known as low level laser light therapy) can be used as a method at improving fertility in both men and women.

Fat Fighter

As moms, we often struggle with losing the baby weight . . . or as we get older, the dreadful perimenopause/menopause spare tire. Red light therapy is gaining traction as a treatment for weight loss. Some people experience dramatic changes in just one to three visits. For some, it can even be like a “mommy makeover,” losing inches from the waistline.

Hair Growth

Some studies have indicated that red light therapy can actually help stimulate hair follicle growth and thickness. What a “hair raising” benefit!

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Mental Health Healer

Red light therapy can be the ultimate mood booster! It has been proven to increase serotonin and dopamine levels, and it can be used to help people who suffer from conditions such as depression, postpartum, ADHD, and PTSD.

Pain Reliever

Red light therapy provides hope to those, like myself, who suffer from inflammation and joint pain. There has been research that demonstrates it may be useful in assisting with muscle soreness, minimizing inflammation, and aiding in the recovery of minor muscle injures. It can even speed up recovery time from your killer leg session at the gym.

Woman lays under a red light therapy panel and wears an eye mask.

Types of Red Light Therapy

There is a variety of red light therapy devices that can be used from the comfort of your own home or in a professional setting. Note: At home, these devices are typically less powerful and may take longer to work.

  • Bed/booth :: With this option, the whole body is exposed. It looks like a tanning bed that uses red LED lights instead of UV.
  • Mask :: Often used in dermatology offices as an anti-aging or acne treatment.
  • Panel :: Red LED lights that you can mount on a wall or place on a table.
  • Wrap :: Typically used for weight loss and body contouring.

Where to Get Red Light Therapy

There are several local places that range in price and service options. For starters, almost every location listed below offers a single session for $35 – $45. Each location also offers a variety of monthly packages that land in a range of $65 – $475. The price depends on the number of visits and add-on services that are included.

Before you start any new treatment, I recommend consulting your doctor first. Once your doc has given you the green light, I hope you too can reap all of the miraculous benefits of red light therapy.


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